Monday, October 26, 2009 | | 0 comments

Evan Funnies

# 1

I worked outside all afternoon. So I come inside and Evan says, "Daddy you stink! You need to take a bath. I'll show you where the bathroom is"

He walks me to the bathroom and says, "here daddy. Take a bath. "


I am sitting in the living room and Evan walks up to me, reaches up for me. I pick him up and give him a big hug. He hugs me back then says very sweetly, "I need to poo poo."


We are sitting at the dinner table. Evan has a spoon he is eating his corn with. Suddenly he takes the spoon and puts it in his pants. We asked him, "What are you doing with your spoon?". Evan replies, "I"m putting it in my booty!"

Who knows what he"ll say next.

Thursday, October 22, 2009 | | 1 comments

Our Trip To The Pumpkin Patch

This past Saturday we ventured out to the Pumpkin Patch at Hardin Farms past Dumas, AR.

Evan and Addi had tons of fun. There were animals to pet and lots of people having fun. At one point a group of turkeys got loose, so the kids start chasing the turkeys around. Soon after a lady comes over an intercom and yells, "Stop chasing the turkeys!!". The kids never checked up so she yells louder, "Stop chasing the TURKEYS!" It was very funny.

Evan saw one of his friends from school there, Mary Elizabeth. We were all on the hay ride together and Evan got to pick out his very own pumpkin.

It was pretty cold and the wind was blowing pretty hard, but it was very fun. We got back home and the tuckered out little ones were ready for bed.

We hope everyone is having a great fall and catch up with us when you can.

Monday, October 5, 2009 | | 0 comments

Evan's Story

Evan woke up with a mosquito bite on his face. Lindsay asked him , "Evan what bit you?" Evan replied, "There was a big pink dinosaur outside and he stomped. He came into my house and bit me with his big teeth!"

Quite the imagination.

Addison learned to clap this weekend. She is so proper that it looks like a golf clap : )